Covid-19 impact survey: a stark reminder of precarity in the arts

Drawing on the findings of a-n’s recent survey and reflecting the views of over 4,000 members, the Covid-19 impact survey report provides robust insights into the emerging impacts of the general public health crisis with 93% of respondents reporting that their practice or career has been suffering from the outbreak.

Artists and curators are seeing stark impacts of Covid-19 on their practice, business and lives with many reporting that they need had work, events and exhibitions cancelled and uncertainty about income an instantaneous concern.

These are the key findings of a-n’s just published Covid-19 impact survey which reflects the views of over 4,000 a-n members in response to our recent survey into the consequences of the general public health crisis on artists and humanities organisers.

Whilst overall, 93% of respondents say that they, their practice or career are suffering from the pandemic, the survey shows that 82% of respondents have had upcoming work cancelled, including events, performances and public activities, and an extra 59% have had to cancel their own work activities.

96% of respondents indicate income reduction as a big immediate impact of the pandemic, with 60% expecting income to be down over 50% in 2020. Those working in craft and applied arts and performance, also as those based in rural locations, predict the best reduction.

Commissions, grants and awards is another area of uncertainty with many artists unsure if awards are going to be honoured when activities are not any longer possible. The impact of the outbreak on access to studio space and restrictions on how artists connect and network with other artists and curators also are concerns.

Speaking within the foreword of the report, a-n’s CEO Julie Lomax says: “We conducted this survey because we wanted to understand more about the impact of Covid-19 on artists’ livelihoods and artistic practice.

“The results are a stark reminder of precarity within the arts. Artists have long been asked to navigate and shape-shift through a posh set of structures, relationships and arrangements that are both global and native , often for small to no pay. What starts within the studio as a mostly solo creative practice is reliant on a thriving visual arts sector, audiences, relationships and connections. When these break down so does the power to sustain creative practice.”

Respondents to the survey also gave their views on how a-n can help artists and humanities organisers during the amount of uncertainty created by the Covid-19 outbreak. support , lobbying, advice, training and keeping members connected were identified as key areas for a-n to focus its work.

“We have listened and there's much to try to to . we've developed Time Space Money in partnership with Arts Council England to supply funding to artists and humanities organisers, we've used this research to advocate for our members to Government, and that we are providing information, advice and support for our members. On behalf of a-n Board and Artists Council i would like to thank everybody who contributed to the present research. We are hooked in to artists and care about your future.”

Read and download the complete report below and download the Covid-19 impact survey infographic here.